You’ve got the food, the decor, and the marketing in place. Your restaurant has a solid following but there are still empty seats on a Friday night. Step up your game and make your restaurant stand out and fill up every single night of the week with these tips.
Polish Your Service Techniques
Don’t take your server’s skills for granted. They are the public face of your restaurant and should be knowledgeable, attentive to customer signals, and organized enough to deliver piping hot entrees, even on nights when the kitchen is a disaster. Hold a weekly meeting to ensure that they have what they need to get the job done right.
1. Discuss new and old menu items and provide samples
Talk about the food, the ingredients, and the mouth-watering adjectives to use when describing menu items. Restaurants are all about the enjoyment of eating. When your staff really understands what they are serving, they’ll heighten anticipation, encourage return visits for more food exploration, and put the special into the house specialty.
2. Review customer needs and signals to provide better service
Great service is made, not inborn. Ensure that your staff keeps a sharp eye out for closed menus and the empty glasses that signal that restaurant patrons are ready to order or they are in need of attention. Develop a backup plan during busy times to ensure that customer needs are always anticipated, rather than demanded. The idea is to make the occasional diner feel relaxed and happy enough that they’ll soon be bringing in their friends.
3. Tighten the restaurant layout for efficient service
When corridors are jammed or supplies aren’t nearby, your staff will struggle to deliver the goods. Investing time and money into a stream-lined layout pays off with shorter turnover times and happier customers.
Mark Life’s Occasions with Special Events
You’re in the hospitality industry so open your arms wide and embrace your guests in both large and small ways. Partner with local charities to host an event or pass a plate around to share special tidbits with your guests. Become the hot spot during a holiday by creating special menus or holding themed cooking classes.
1. Assert your status as a member of the community by hosting a charitable event
You can arrange a special menu at a discount or contribute a portion of the day’s proceeds. You’ll build goodwill in the area and boost sales when guests return in the future.
2. Pass a sample dish of new menu items or tasty appetizers
Make it special by scheduling these in-house mini-events randomly and be sure to switch the items up.
3. Pick at least one holiday and make it your own
Create a special menu, plan to have entertainment, and set up cooking classes in the afternoon to really whet your guest’s interest. Make sure that you develop an incredible press release to get the ball rolling. By establishing an annual event, in each succeeding year you will attract an increasingly wide circle of customers.
You can make your restaurant stand out by addressing basic services in a spectacular way and ensuring that your establishment is a well-known and beloved member of the community by hosting special events. Raise the roof on hospitality and watch your business grow.
Now it’s your turn. What ideas do you have to make your restaurant the talk of the town? Share with us below.
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