5 Simple Marketing Tips to Maximize Profits on Mother’s Day

You already know Mother’s Day is going to be one of the busiest days of the year at your restaurant; after all, long lines and fully booked tables are synonymous with this popular holiday.

Restaurant-Mothers-DayAccording to the National Restaurant Association, in 2013 nearly 25 percent of American adults included a restaurant meal in their Mother’s Day plans, with 10 percent dining on take-out or delivery food. Better yet, your customers are likely to spend more than they usually would on Mother’s day, giving you unique opportunities to maximize your holiday profits.

Here are five simple Mother’s Day marketing tips you can use right now:

1. Advertise Early and Often

Start your holiday ads early; encourage your guests to make reservations immediately and highlight any specials you have planned. Update your social media pages, post outdoor signage, print holiday reminders on receipts and purchase ads in local newspapers.

2. Think Beyond Brunch

While many establishments focus solely on providing an extended brunch service on Mother’s Day, consumer research shows that steak and seafood top the list of Mom’s favourite holiday meals. Give yourself an edge over the competition by extending your promotions to include dinnertime meals, early morning breakfast and late-night cocktails.

Related: 7 Low Cost Ideas to Market a Restaurant

3. Offer All-Inclusive Packages

You already know that creating pre-fixed menus and buffets for single-day events is an effective management strategy, but have you considered expanding your holiday offerings beyond food and beverages?

Get creative with low-cost, value-added Mother’s Day takeaways such as flowers, chocolates and commemorative glasses. Better yet, encourage repeat visits by including a gift certificate to your establishment with every Mom’s Day special.

4. Provide Discounts on Take-Out and Deliveries

Fully-booked tables don’t have to put a cap on your profits; encourage additional take-out and delivery sales by offering discounts and special holiday options. Remember to let your customers know that ordering take-away food is the perfect way to give mom a break from kitchen duties while saving her the stress of watching the kids or her spouse attempt to make a meal.

Emphasize that delivery food is a great way to enjoy a special restaurant meal with loved ones who may have difficulty dining in a busy establishment; consider distributing ads to local retirement communities and nursing homes.

Related: How to Make Your Restaurant Stand Out

5. Focus On Why Your Restaurant Is Unique

Diners expect to be impressed; let them know exactly why you will exceed their expectations and deliver a memorable holiday experience. Do you offer special-diet items such as gluten-free foods or sugar-free desserts? How about a special play area for young children (or alternatively, a child-free room for those who prefer a quiet atmosphere).

Mother’s Day provides you with the perfect opportunity to increase sales, impress your regulars and drive new customers to your restaurant. A little extra marketing effort right now will help boost your one-day profits and deliver long-term value to your establishment.

Now it’s your turn. Any more tips? How do you market special moments in your restaurant? Share with us below.

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