There is nothing like a holiday to increase your customer base. Whilst holidays like Christmas and New Years are shoe-ins for advertising, sometimes it is the smaller, more personal holidays such as Heritage Day or Father’s Day that can truly make a difference in your numbers.
Keep in mind, however, that while advertising and marketing to increase your customer base on the larger holidays is fairly simple, you need to be more personal when it comes to drawing in the Father’s and Mother’s Day clientele.
Below we have included three simple tips that can help you in drawing more business on this or any future Father’s Day.
Tip #1: Specific Deals for Dads
The first way to attract more customers this Father’s Day weekend is to remember who the focus of the day is all about.
By offering deals especially for dads you will not only draw more customers, you will also inspire loyalty in those customers that you already have.
Deals for Dads can include things like “Free Dessert or Drink for each Father in the party” or “Dad Eats Free with an Adult meal purchased”.
Remember, this is only for one day! Yes, you may take a loss for the day, but you will have given yourself and your establishment a serious reputational boost.
Related: 5 Tips for Building Customer Loyalty
Tip #2: Focus on Repeating Customers and Word of Mouth
An awesome way to endear yourself to your regular customers and to generate more traffic on Father’s Day or any other holiday is to acknowledge your regular customers.
Chances are that you are familiar with those individuals who eat in your establishment on a regular basis.
Before Father’s Day or any other holiday, give out coupons for a percentage off a father’s day meal to all of those customers who come through your business. Make sure that you give each customer two coupons; one for them, one for a neighbor or friend, good for the same day.
Tip #3: Host a Father’s Day Event
A third way to generate more customers on Father’s Day would be to host a Father’s Day “event.”
This event can be anything from live music to buffet of favourite ”man” foods, a “best mustache” contest, rugby trivia night or any other activity that would appeal to the fathers out there or those who would be planning a Father’s Day surprise for them.
A Father’s Day event does not have to be ultra-extravagant. Save the fresh flowers, violin music, linens and fancy deserts for Mother’s Day. Father’s Day needs to be un-fussy and straight-forward, just like the men you are appealing to.
Related: 7 Low Cost Ideas to Market a Restaurant
Remember Who You Are Celebrating
Above all else, when looking to increase your Father’s Day customer traffic, remember who you are celebrating. Focusing on the dads will do wonders in bringing more customers through your door.
From the appetizers and the drinks to the desserts, make this day all about them. Treat them like you would your own father and they will return the favour by remembering you during the rest of the year.
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